Cameron's Patch

Sunday, August 03, 2008

lake toko

in toko when it rains sometimes we get lake toko.lake toko is just a huge puddle that goes from one side of the paddock to the other it looks really only happens every so often though so its good to get a look.

Friday, March 14, 2008


Hi it is me back for 2008 I am turning 10 this year. I have got some big plans since it
is double digits!. I am working hard with my new teacher Mrs. Harvey dan dan dan daaaaaan!!!!! Luckily I am still alive right now. I am learning about Vincent van Gogh.
From what I hear he is a bit of a wacko but he is a really good painter. We are
writing an autobiography. If you don’t know what that is it is a life story about
you !!!!!

Well I will catch up next time bye!.

Friday, November 16, 2007


Aarons friend
Milk lover
Engineer person
Orange lover
Nice - not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, August 10, 2007

Me at Marco

Me at Marco
Sometimes on Friday I go to a place called Marco. It is about 6 km from
Whangamomona. It is a nice quiet place because it is not like the city
and my Dad works there.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Rotorua Trip

Cool Slideshows

Monday, December 04, 2006

The Lake

Last week I went to Rotorua and the first thing we did was the hydroslides.
Then we went to the Cosey Cottage, Then the next day we went to the museum.
Then we went mountain biking, That was fun. We went for lots of swims
It was very warm and Lake Rotorua was right next to us, At the office
they had a free rental spade so we went to the lake and dug a hole there,
There was water in the hole, It was warm so we kept on digging. Then it got
Very hot! So we made lots of holes,Then by the end of the day we had
made lots of little holes and we needed to clean up in the lake .

Wednesday, November 08, 2006


Dancing on Vimeo

Friday, November 03, 2006

Tray Boarding

Tray Boarding on Vimeo

Wednesday, September 20, 2006


I went to skiing in the minibus with Matau School. We went to Taumaranui.
We bought lost of things like lollies. When we went to the lodge we did 2 activities. One was archery and the othor one was riding ATVs. They were called Power Chiefs. That night we went to a town called Oakune
The place that we went to was called Margueritas .I had a cheese burger it was nice, We hade a skiing lesson on the first day. Skiing is very easy compared to snow boarding
There was a girl that fell of the ski lift and she had to be carried off with the first aid people in a stretcher. But I had a safe time skiing
. Up on Mount Ruapehu my friends were up on the Rock Garden. They could do jump but I can’t which is annoying. But I can do a little one which is good. Next school trip we are going to Rotorua or Napier.
I cannot wait.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Fireman Trev

Fireman Trev came to Makahu school. He showed all of his air tank gear and he showed us the fire engine and he let us use the hi-pressure hose. We were there for speech day. The fire service came for their display. There were about 6 firemen there and 42 people. We got to stand under the hose.

Friday, August 18, 2006

Here Come The Lambs

It is spring and the lambs are coming out.
I cannot wait and I hope we have lots of sunny days for the lambs and the baby calves and other animals to come out. Pets day is coming and I will get a lamb

Thursday, July 27, 2006

School Trip

Next term we are going to Napier and we
are going to stae at the Napier Waterfreont Lodge. It will be fun. We are going
to do lots of things. We might even go horse riding. We are going to the mountain too.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006


Welcome on Vimeo

Wednesday, June 14, 2006


Alan, Cameron and Aaron were so bored that one day Cameron said “let’s go on an adventure.”
They told their Mum. She said “Yes but you have to clean the dishes for a week.”
It was hard work but they did it. They packed their bags and off they went on there DS80s. They stopped because
they heard a noise. It was very loud. It was a grizzly bear. They ran for their life. They hid behind a tree. They could not see the bear. They got there guns out and loaded them. They heard it and they shot at it. It fell over with blood gushing out so they were safe.
They went home on there DS80s and told their Mum and Dad. They said “Wow we are glad you are not dead.”

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Releasing The Two Kiwi's

We went to York Road to go to the kiwi release. It was fun. I got to touch a kiwi it felt very fluffy. Lots of maori people were there. A lady had a really big knife The kiwi snapped it’s beak a lot. It was odd. I thought that it was it’s neck. They were released on the mountain.

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Three Little Bears

Once upon a time there were three little bears called Aaron Alan and Cameron.
They filled their day with the things they love.
Then Aaron said lets have some
Porridge. But Cameron said we’re
not allowed to use the oven .
But Aaron said who cares. So they made the
Then Mama Bear came home. She was cross. The little bears ran for their life.
But Mummy bear got them. She smacked them as hard as she could.
She said I said you’re not allowed to use the
Oven. She said you are grounded for a
Week. She said go to your room now.
So they did. Cameron said I want to
go on an adventure. So they did.

the end.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006


Hi I am Cameron .I am 7 years old. It is a hard life for me my Mum and Dad have seperated. I live with my Dad. He is cool
because he is the Principal of Matau school. He has a lot of money. It is my birthday this Friday. I am excited.